Boundary Surveys
Common Services Include:
American Land Title Association (ALTA)/National Socitety of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) surveys show significant aspects of a parcel of land, including property boundaries, existing easements, improvements, and other features that might affect property value or ownership. Improvements such as buildings, foundations, utilities, fences, roads, and railroads are shown on ALTA/NSPS surveys. ALTA/NSPS surveys are typically performed on commercial properties and often required by banks or other financial institutions to obtain title insurance.
Boundary Retracement Surveys
Boundary retracement surveys are performed to locate real-estate property lines. What we do: We research the recorded history of your property and establish the title lines following the footsteps of the original surveyor. Bunnell Land Surveying will then mark the corners of your property and provide you with paper and digital copies of the survey.
Farm Surveys
Farm surveys are often performed on large farm properties and are frequently performed as part of a 1031 Tax Exchange. We work closely with families and their attorneys for estate planning purposes.
Original Boundary Surveys
Original boundary surveys are performed to create new tracts of land. These new tracts are often split as an exception to a larger parent tract creating a new tax parcel. Bunnell Land Surveying will write a legal description for the new tract to be recorded at the county courthouse.
Surveyor Location Report
A surveyor location report is used to show the improvements and show the line of possession in relation to the utilities and building setbacks. These reports are usually required by the bank in order to obtain a loan, particularly for new construction.